May 22nd, 2016

Day 54: Cairns – Rainy Day

In our original itinerary, we had planned to take the Scenic Railway & Rainforest Skyrail Cableway to the nearby jungle village of Kuranda, however we found out during our scuba course that not only are you not supposed to fly within 24hr of a multi-dive trip, you are not even supposed to go above 300m. As the Skyrail goes above 350m, we had to rule that out. Plus, the weather was HORRIBLE. Constant downpour all day. So we holed up in the hotel room and had an internet catch-up day instead. And you know what? After 7 weeks of travel and constant activity, it was really nice to have a lazy day together.

The rain finally let up in the evening, so we got gussied up and went out to a nice dinner at Dundee’s – a waterfront restaurant with a “Bush Tucker” menu featuring native Australian meats & spices. Lindsay had been dying to try kangaroo & emu – she can now confirm what everyone else in Australia will tell you: they taste a lot like beef, just a little more gamey. Igor decided he prefers the taste of beef, but he is very glad to know that the kangaroos was free-range.

A fancy date-night out in Cairns

Bush-tucker for dinner! Kangaroo, emu, crocodile & barramundi

Bon appetite!