April 16th, 2016

Day 18: West Coast

After a final family breakfast, Lindsay & Igor headed out on their own once again: we were heading north toward Abel Tasman Park, while Mama & Bo were heading down to Queenstown to experience Fiordland.

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On the road again…

Today was mostly a driving day, with a few roadside attractions along the way. Unfortunately, the sun set before we hit Buller Gorge, so we had to drive though it in the dark. Don’t Google the pictures – I’m sure it’s not that pretty – tell Igor he didn’t miss much.

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Creamy-blue waters of the Hokitika Gorge

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Stopping to admire the boulders!

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Pancake Rocks – Lindsay heard they are great at sunset, but she decided to spare Igor another time-consuming rock excursion.

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One week later and we are about 350km closer to home.